Marengo High School has recently implemented a computerized Point-of-Sale system in the cafeteria. With this system, students do not have to present lunch cards to the cashier. Instead, the students key in a four-digit number into the system. This four-digit number identifies the child and alerts the cashier of the child's lunch status-free, reduced, or paid.
We encourage anyone who has to pay for lunch to consider prepaying. The option of prepaying is beneficial both to you and to us. If you prepay, you won't have to be concerned with trying to remember to send lunch money each day. Also, if you prepay, the time it takes to serve the students won't take as long because no time will be spent collecting money at the register.
If you wish to prepay, we ask that you do so on Mondays. Students in kindergarten, first, and second grades can give their money to their teachers. The teachers will then deposit the money into their accounts. Students in third grade or higher may give their money directly to the cashier in the cafeteria.

Lunch Menu